
Tuesday 13 May 2014

Mummy statistics

It can be pretty repetitive being a mummy, especially of a tiny baby. 

Here are some fascinating statistics about motherhood that I bet you didn't know (and probably don't want to know!) : 

If you wean your baby at about 5 months old, chances are you'll clean the high chair approx. 630 times before their first birthday, and that's only three meals a day, if you give them snacks in there too you can probably say it's nearer 1,000!

If you breast feed your baby for the first 3 months you probably feed them about 6-12 times in 24 hours.  That means you spend about 16,400 minutes feeding your baby in the first three months!!! Now I know why it seemed like I was always feeding her! 

If you bottle feed, you will sterilise about 1,400 bottles by the time they are 8 months old! 

Obviously I don't need to tell you you'll change a lot of nappies in the first year of your babies life! But did you know it will be way over 2,000! And that's if you've only got one baby...two very young kids and you can double that; obviously. One toddler, nearly potty trained in the day, and one baby equals nearly 3,000 in one year! Crickey! 

Think your baby doesn't sleep enough, well by my calculations, in the first year they'll have 1,290 naps in the day, approximately, based on them cat-napping 5 times each day in the first three months and sleeping 3 times each day after that. (I know, I know, your baby didn't do that! Sorry it's just a approximation!) 

Anyway, now I've enlightened you, I better stop ignoring the fact that my baby has woken up from her nap, and is happily goo-goo ga-gaing in her cot. (I know such a perfect baby) apart from the fact that she was up at 5 am this morning and I'm still in my towel. Great. No getting dressed leisurely for me then. 

My maths might not be perfect but I know one sum that adds up: baby+toddler=knackered mummy!

Do you think I've got my maths right? I'd love to hear your mummy maths! 
Some of this is definitely needed to keep me awake for the 6,205 hours each year. I think at least 365 of those are in the middle of the night with one (or both) of the children. 

Happy counting! 

1 comment:

  1. When you think of it this way, its hard being a mum to a little baby - imagine if it was a multiple birth!
